Thursday, June 4, 2009

Finishing Well

Ok we are coming to the end of our Biggest Loser showdown - how will you finish? Will you pursue the goal all the way to the finish line? Will you make one final push to get the most you can out of this competition? Will you give it all you got and leave it all on the field????

Ok...enough with all the cliches...

So, how are you doing? Have you tasted victory in all of this? Are you meeting goals and feeling better about yourself? Or, have you done what you have always done in the past - give half effort and get less than half the results you hoped for? You see, I can say that because I have been there! I am one that would start a diet every Monday and by Tuesday afternoon, I have broken it! Then, who really starts a diet on Wednesday - NO ONE! So, I have to wait until Monday to diet again, so I better eat what I want to through the weekend before I have to deprive myself! Sound familiar?

How about this -

I determine I will DEFINITELY have my quiet time everyday this week! I am going to be serious about it this time! I am going to have a prayer time, keep a journal and I am going to do better! By Tuesday or Wednesday then I find that my kids wake up early or work gets too hectic or ball schedules fill in the blank!

What about this -

I am going to be FAITHFUL to Church! I really am! I am going to start going to Sunday school faithfully, I will be at Church Sunday AM, PM and even Wednesday night! Hey - I might even join the choir! They will be so sick of seeing me - they will have to throw me out to turn the lights off! Until the second week...then, "hey, I can't help it if I have to work!" and then "company came into town and we just couldn't make all of them get up and get there on time" then, it turns into "well, it is the end of the school year and we have so much going on" then, before long it is "didn't you see what was on tv Wednesday night - it was the season finale of biggest loser!" :)

What I am trying to say is that so many times in our lives, we sin in categories - rather than specifics! Let's stop calling sins by our pet names and giving them "reasons" which are our attempt to justify them! Ladies, let's be real....let's call it what it is!

Lack of Discipline, lack of desire and passion, lack of self-control, selfishness, idol worship, etc....

Want me to go on? I don't really want to either! Ouch...suddenly, putting a real name to what I do costs me something - it hurts to admit that my root beer float at Sonic last night was lack of self control and lack of discipline in my life! stinks to have to admit that my lack of passion for God and my own pride kept me from praying about that decision I made today and made me think I could do it my way(and by the way, it always comes back to bite me when I don't do it His way!)....

So - again, I will you finish? We have a couple more weeks to push through and do our best....will you? Have you given up? Have you allowed the enemy to convince you that this journey was only about the scales and since yours haven't moved the way you thought they should - your a failure? Have you decided that you just don't care (but it eats you up that it hasn't "worked" for you?)? Ladies, don't give in! Do not forget that we are not after some magical number on a scale to make us suddenly "perfect"! Life is more than that! How does a number on a scale give Glory to God? No, we are out to be our best - we are out to show self-control, to exercise discipline in our lives (because it WILL spread to other areas of our life as well), to honor God by taking care of what He has entrusted to us, and to glorify Him with the use of our time and energy! it what it really is and get rid of it! And, for those of you truly tied and bound by schedules and work and demands (I know where you are at when you are truly strapped), then hang in there - find time to eat right and, when you can, make time for the walk instead of watching TV or for getting the rest you need instead of being on facebook! But stay with it! Do not fall out now ladies! We are almost there!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sorry Ladies!

OK...I have not been keeping up with things very well on here! I am sorry...sometimes life gets away from me! Anyway, I need to apologize to all of my biggest loser sisters out there this morning! I have taken on a new SS class that started this morning and it will have me on the run! I will need to start leaving my "post" at weigh ins by 8:55am and will be back at my post by 10:10 to stay until service starts! I am really sorry for this! I can try to arrange for a "back up" weigh-in person for the times that I am not able to be there if this conflicts too badly with ladies' schedules! I am sorry to those of you who I kept waiting this morning while I was finishing up in my class! Keep up the good work and I will be at my post in the 500 hall downstairs this afternoon at 5:15 when I drop the kids off to choir! Thanks!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We are getting there ladies! The Trinity Baptist Church BL weight loss competition is heating up! We have 4 ladies that have lost between 7 and 8% of body weight! That is incredible!

Don't lose heart - stay with it!

Remember, the key to weight loss is exercise - there is no magic pill, no "microwave version" to losing weight overnight and no diet plan that works miracles - it takes hard work! Sorry, but it does...

You see, that is what is wrong with most of us today - and not just in our dieting! We want a "quick fix" to everything wrong in our lives:
We want a better marriage? Divorce the one your in!
We want a better figure? Lipo or botox!
We want a better outlook/emotional state? Anxiety or Depression Meds!

We want a "quick fix" on everything in our life - unfortunately the Bible is filled with words like "strive" or "earnestly desire" or "work" or even "war for"....

It is not meant to be easy ladies! The Bible constantly points us toward a race - one in which we are training and, I don't know about you - but I have been spending a great deal of time on the treadmill lately down at the YMCA...and one thing I have found is that it takes a great deal of effort and sweat! There is nothing fun about training or running (my brother in law and sister in law are just crazy)...but, I know I must do it. When I started - I could do about 7 minutes on the Eliptical or I could run for .25 miles on the treadmill before I had to walk some. Now, I am working my way up the timer! I am running further than I ever have and my legs are holding out on that Eliptical further than I have ever been able to! I am "training" my body to come into submission to where I am taking it!

We too must come under submission by training our minds, our wills and our hearts to follow God's Word! Know that there is no "easy way out" - there are consequences to all of our sin - Satan would love for us to overlook that! We must determine that there is nothing more important to us than to earnestly seek after Him and then constantly train ourselves in His ways and His will! You can't do that by watching Oprah - you must be in His Word!

So...if you have run today but haven't spent time in His Word yet - just know you are on the wrong path! You may acheive a body that you like....but physical appearance will not be your "easy fix" either! Get in the Word! Let Him prioritize your time for you!

Ramblings from a woman headed to the YMCA for one more grueling day of training! Enjoy!

Michele Everson, Proud Wife of Pastor Chad Everson and
Proud Mama to two wonderful little boys!
(And proud of building my time on the Eliptical!)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ok ladies...the first week's results are in and have gone out! I am so excited for all of you and how well you are doing already....we had five ladies that lost over 4% of weight and one that lost 5.25%! Great job!

Ladies, we need to all keep up the hard work and remember....this is a 12 week committment - not a sprint! The "smart" contestants are those that are seeing this as a life-change....

We have an opportunity to spend some time with Dr. Blanco this Sunday at 4:00 pm in Labelle Hall - time to ask questions, pick his brain and learn some smart dieting tips! Be sure to join us at 4:00 and, if you are interested in having bloodwork drawn, you need to let me know (unless you already did Sunday) :)

Stay posted for more updates! If you did not receive your results means that either 1)your email address submitted was wrong, 2) the email is going to your spam folder or 3)you have some filter/firewall that is "bouncing" your email back to me. Please post here to let me know you are not receiving it or email me through this blog.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Opportunity - but sign ups are necessary!

Ok ladies.....we have a unique opportunity! Dr. Blanco, a member of Trinity, has offered to do a "health fair" of sorts for our diet planning! He is willing to bring us some healthy dieting information and helpful tips...AND he is willing to run initial bloodwork on each of us so that we can monitor our cholesterol, etc. while we are dieting! He can run a full blood workup for $20 each....

If we have at least 40 of our ladies interested in doing this, we will have a health fair appointment with him on Sunday, April 19th (one week from now) at 4:00 at Trinity! He will draw the bloodwork for us at that time and will get us the results shortly after that. He will talk with us about dieting and answer any questions we might have at that time.

So....any takers? I need to know by this Sunday who would be interested. Please email me or post here if you are interested and will commit to be a part of it....again, if we don't have enough ladies, then we will not take his time!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our new “permanent” weigh in room will be

Room 502 in children’s hall downstairs (second room on the left)

I will be there no later than 8:45 on Sunday mornings and will stay until 9:00 am (by the way, that is when Sunday school starts! )….and then I will be back in there at 10:00 and will stay until 10:25 – so those of you going to choir can stop by before your 10:15 rehearsal if you need to!

I will be back in this room on Sunday evenings at 5:30 and will stay there until 6:00 when the service starts!

Those are our weigh in times and the room! If you need anything or have any questions….please let me know!

By the way, as an update – we have 59 ladies involved in the competition so far….which puts our “pot” at $1180 however, remember we are using $100 for incentives along the way – so our winning pot stands at $1080 so far…..hopefully it will only increase due to more ladies joining this Sunday and NOT because anyone is gaining weight! We do have several ladies talking about joining Sunday – so we will see! Remember, if anyone else wants to join us, they can as late as Sunday evening’s weigh in – then the competition will be closed! Praise the Lord, we have a couple of ladies from outside Trinity that are talking about joining us and visiting the church as a result! Pray hard ladies – this can be a great way to reach ladies for Christ!

Well… grouchy, mean or ill dieters (ouch…me too)! Keep up the hard work and remember, whatsoever you do – do it for the glory of the Lord!

Love you all!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Restaurant Helps!

Just thought some restaurant calorie counts might help with the last minute stops for fast food! The website for you to check out is

Some summary items:

Backyard Burgers1/3 burger 470
Ranch baked potato 410
BBQ chicken sandwich 280
Buffalo Ranch Chicken 540
Blackened Chicken Sandwich 290
Blackened Chicken salad 160

Burger King
Bacon, egg & cheese biscuit 410
BK veggie burger 420
BK big fish 640
Chicken club salad 310
chicken tenders (6) 280
Chicken tender sandwich 440
Chicken cranberry Walnut salad 320

Chick - fil - A
Chargrilled Chicken Club Sandwich 380
Chargrilled chicken Cool Wrap 390
Chargrilled Chicken Garden Salad 180
Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich 270
Chicken Strips (4) 470
Chicken Caesar cool Wrap 460
Chicken Salad Sanwich 500
Chick Fil A Chicken Biscuit 420
8 pc Nuggets 260
Small waffle fries 280
Spicy Chicken cool wrap 420

Cafe Menu Roast Beef, dressed 318
Cafe Menu Turkey, dressed 309
Chicken salad sandwich 677
Chicken cordon bleu 810
Asagio cheese bisque 240
Cheesy chicken Tortilla Soup 150
Chicken Fiesta Salad 493
Broccoli Cheddar Soup 213

McDonald's Chicken nuggets (6) 310
Chipotle BBQ snack wrap - grilled 260
Fiesta Salad 420
Filet of Fish 400
Fruit & Walnut Salad 310
Hamburger 260
Small fries 210
Snack size fruit & yogurt parfait 160
Grilled Ranch Snack Wrap 270

Hope it Helps Ladies!!!
